Corfe Mullen Baptist Church

The Chapel in the Valley

Ordinances we observe


We observe the ordinance of Believer's Baptism by total immersion as and when required, in obedience to the command of the Lord Jesus. It is administered by the Eldership only to those who have stated their wholehearted belief in the Lord Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour and who are therefore regarded as true believers. The Eldership are also entitled to baptise any person not desiring to enter into membership, who, in their judgement, fulfils the above conditions.


Holy Communion (The Lord's Supper)

The ordinance of Holy Communion is observed following public worship on at least two Sundays in each month (usually on the first Sunday evening and the third Sunday morning), and at such other times as may be deemed desirable by the Leaders of the Church. All persons who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are invited by Him, and therefore welcomed by His people, to meet around His Table. Children are welcome to partake if their parents wish them to do so.

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